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RA Best Practices By Topic: Fire Alarms/ Fire Drills

What R.A.s Can Do

  • Make sure your resident(s) with ASD know what to do if the alarm goes off. Some residents may need a visual reminder, which they can keep by their door.


  • If possible, warn residents with ASD ahead of time so that they can mentally prepare for the change in routine and will not be caught by surprise by the incredibly loud and overstimulating fire alarms. This also gives the resident the opportunity to leave the building if they do not think that they can endure the fire alarms, flashing lights, and crowd. 


  • Another option would be to make sure the resident has a buddy to help the student out of the building. They buddy and the student should have a set plan for what to do when the alarm goes off and may need to practice the plan (Wolf, Brown, & Bork, 2009). 

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