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Making Friends

  • Making friends can be a significant challenge for all college students, but is often especially difficult for residents on the autism spectrum.


  • Residents with autism may be perceived as odd if they struggle to pick up cues and interact appropriately in different social situations. For example, a resident with ASD may not make eye contact, make too much eye contact, or stand too close when talking to someone. This may be off-putting to other people and interfere with the resident with ASD's ability to make friendships (Wolf, Brown, & Bork, 2009).


  • Residents with ASD can also be susceptible to being picked on, sometimes without realizing that they are being picked on, or taken advantage of (Wolf et al., 2009).

What Can R.As Do?

Click on the following link to RA Best Practices By Topic: Making Friends

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2016 T. D'Andrea. 

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